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FTES – A Fiasco in the Making?

Prop 30 funding, which voters approved in November 2012, may be in jeopardy and  diverted away from PCC.

No amount of stuffing more students in a class will make up for the number of FTES the school needs to recuperate due to the elimination of a winter term, and if we don’t have enough full-time students, we will lose Prop. 30 funding.  More students in a class is a pedogogically unsound decision and only reduces the teaching quality and attention for our students. Faculty know this, students know this (see AS Senate poll results where a minimal percentage of students prefer large classes) – PCC admin. is still in the dark, however.

So how are our FTES faring? In a Courier article, Crystal Kollross claims that this year, even without winter, our FTES are higher than last year (by 250 FTES), but also VP Bob Miller says “assuming we hit our targets”.

PCC needs accurate numbers that compare Spring 2012 to Spring 2013, not contradictions.