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No Winter + Non-Transferrable Summer Classes + Larger Class Sizes = Student Success??

On May 2, 2012, the PCC Board approved the original 2012-2013 calendar that included a winter intersession. That calendar had been vetted and approved by the Academic Senate Calendar Committee on April 12, 2012.

On August 29, 2012 – a mere 4 months later and in the middle of the academic year – the Board of Trustees approved a new  2012-2013 calendar that had not benefitted from the shared governance process, and thus the winter intersession was cancelled and summer was extended to 12 weeks.

This “new” three-term calendar that was imposed is essentially the same calendar that existed over a decade ago.

Now, in order to transfer on time, students would have to take more classes during the regular 16-week semester rather than in the non-existant winter session. What’s more, at the College Council meeting in December 12, 2012, it was reported that classes that are offered this summer do not count for transfer to CSU and UC, which would force many students to take classes elsewhere at schools that have a winter intersession, such as at Santa Monica College, which chose to keep its winter session until the passage of Prop 30. Furthermore, in order to fulfill the state requirements for FTES, the administration has decided to increase class sizes so that PCC continues to receive state funding. This would not have been necessary had the administration kept the Winter 2013 intersession.

How is this “student success” !?

Come out to the Student-Faculty informational rally on Jan. 10, 2013 at noon to let the school and public know what REAL student success is = education driven by students and faculty – not administrators!