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PCCFA Prevails in Two Landmark Cases: Winter and Class Sizes

In what has already turned out to be a watershed year for the PCC Faculty Association, as well as a victory for faculty rights and shared governance, the PCCFA has prevailed in two of the most contentious cases in PCC history.

On July 30, 2015, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) re-affirmed its original ruling from November 2013 indicating that the Pasadena Area Community College District (PACCD) had violated the law when it cancelled Winter intercession and implemented a trimester calendar. The ruling calls upon the District to:

  1. Implement an academic calendar with a winter intercession upon the demand from the PCC Faculty Association.
  2. Compensate all affected employees for all monetary losses accrued from the cancellation of Winter.

The PCCFA has already sent a letter of demand to the PACCD and is awaiting a response.  For a copy of the ruling , please click on the link below:

PERB Ruling on Winter Calendar from July 30, 2015



In another landmark case, on July 23, 2015, the arbitration process ruled that the PCC Administration the “District violated the Agreement when it used the 1982 NCN’s in the spring of 2013. Grievants are entitled for LGI pay for all courses where the enrollment exceeded the NCN approved by the C&I on February 23, 2012.

The PCCFA is presently working with the District to calculate compensation for all affected faculty.

For a copy of the arbitration decision, please click on the link below:

PACCD-PCCFA LGI Arbitration Final Decision (July 23, 2015)