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PCCFA Survey on Effects of Block Scheduling and/or Room Assignments

Dear Fellow Faculty,

In response to the new block scheduling, the Faculty Association is looking for information relating to the effects the scheduling has on our faculty work day. If you could look over the proposed block scheduling chart linked below and check to see if you are impacted in any way we would be able to include this information in our communication with the administration.

Master Block Scheduling Template for Fall 2014

As you are all aware this is a change that has been adopted without any faculty input or without going through the Shared Governance Process. We are particularly looking to see if it effects any of  your hours or days on campus. I can use my schedule as an example. I teach four classes back to back twice a week. I normally do not  have any down time between classes. With the  new block scheduling I now will have 20 minutes in between each class.This will require me to spend an extra hour on campus every day. Considering that we currently cannot have office hours for less than 30 minutes  it is an hour of wasted time. Please look over your schedules and respond to this mail with the effects that it may have on you.

As well we are also gathering information regarding the new classroom assignment procedures. Many of you may that are teaching summer may have noticed that your room assignments seems a little random and confusing. Again I can use  myself as an example. For the past 7 years I have had all of classes in one class room. It was always convenient and time saving to teach my classes in the same room. For the summer I am assigned to teach each day in three different rooms in three different buildings. If you have any examples of this we would like this information as well.

Please fill out the survey linked below with your information and experience by Friday April 11th, 2014.

PCCFA Survey on Effects of Block Scheduling and/or Room Assignments


We appreciate your time and consideration,

Mark Whitworth

Director  PCCFA